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Maple Quiz

Family Fun

Maple-Icious Ham Pockets


8 portions




  1. Turn the oven to 180 °C (350 °F).
  2. In a bowl, mix the first 4 ingredients together, put aside.
  3. Take 8 sheets of phyllo dough and cover them with a damp cloth so they don’t dry out.
  4. Spread out the first sheet on the counter and brush it with melted butter. Put 3 more sheet on brushing each of them with butter again.
  5. Cut the pile into 4 pieces and put a little mound of ham on each quarter.
  6. Fold in the edges, then the two ends. Make 3 more. Then repeat the same steps with the 4 other sheets of phyllo.
  7. Place all the pockets (fold-side down) on a cookie sheet, brush them with a little butter and put into the oven for about 45 minutes.

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